Work & Cyprus

Fawley Oil Refinery

I haven’t done blog post for ages and ages. Why? Last year when I decided to come back to the U.K. to do some work I haven’t had the time or the inclination to do my blog. 

Now after a year of working I’ve decided to return to Stella Polaris to carry on with my sailing odyssey. My last job for past 3 months was quite challenging. I was working near Southampton at Fawley oil refinery owned by Exonmobile/Esso. What was I doing there you might ask? 

Exonmobile whose refinery is adjacent to the Southampton water way. The famous landing stage for the Cruise-ship liners such as Cunard Queen Mary  and Queen Elizabeth. 

I was working on the new fast project designed for producing cleaning diesel fuel? Is there such a thing with it still being a fossil fuel.  

The Proposed Scheme is required to facilitate works of national significance to the Fawley Oil Refinery forming part of the Fawley Strategy (FAST) project, which aims to address current configuration challenges within Fawley Refinery by constructing a new hydrotreater and hydrogen plant, enabling the production of increased low sulphur products such as diesel fuel.

The project will run over the next year or so for completion its £800 million pound project. The Fawley site is 70 years old and looks quite dilapidated in parts. I was with squad of fellow craftsman, welders, Pipefitter’s, Riggers and crane drivers on D street multi pipeline section.

My work was carrying out welding on various size carbon steel pipes using the GTAW welding process. One of things that struck me was average age of the workforce which was probably in their 50’s. Seems to be a lack of young engineering crafts people. I was probably one of oldest guys in my squad. To be fair each and everyone was a highly skilled engineering craftsman. We were working long hours in fairly arduous conditions, in regard to the weather with lots of rain and precipitation. 

Why was I really working? Well sailboats cost money to run and my pension isn’t adequate enough when you need alteration and improvements. I simply wanted to build up my savings for the next phase of my sailing odyssey. 

I was very lucky to be offered work at my senior age. Fortunately for me we have massive engineering skills shortage. I could quite easily carried on working. I was working with a fine group of guys and I loved the banter between our small squad of men. I’ll miss that when I’m away sailing. Maybe I should invite some of guys to come sailing with me?

I did think earlier in the year should I settle down more and considered selling Stella Polaris. But thankfully I didn’t have any serious buyers. The last time I had long trip on Stella Polaris I supposed I did miss human social interaction. 

I fly out this Tuesday 19 December to Cyprus to join Stella Polaris. I had considered transiting the Suez Canal and sailing down the Red Sea. But no there a civil war going on in Yemen and the Houthi rebels are a warring faction firing missiles, using drone strikes and even boarding vessel at the narrow Bal El Mandab straits. Between Yemen and Djibouti. 

No I don’t want to push my luck. I have paid my mooring until 22 February 2024. I will stay in Cyprus do some maintenance work on the boat maybe do some cycling touring around the island of Cyprus. 

Afterwards what are my plans I like my plans to be flexible. I still have personal effects in Venice with my friend Angela. Which I need to sort out and sell as I don’t have the room and onboard Stella Polaris. But I can’t leave Cyprus until I’m happy with weather conditions.

I have to sail towards Crete then do a right turn up the Ionian and sail up the Adriatic to Venice. I don’t want to stay long and will head down the Adriatic along southern Italy and through the Messina straits. Sailing to Sardinia eventually heading towards Gibraltar. From there make my way south to the canaries and beyond. I have no time scale on my SailingOdyssey. The operative word with sailing is flexibility. 

Finally what is this fascination with sailing. I suppose I have a rebellious nature.  No I don’t mean rebellious in regards to the rule of law or against democratic nations. It’s more to do with my inner nature which relates more to non conformity. Non conformance life style and a way of thinking and viewing the world about me.  

Let’s use an example during covid lock down I bent the rules going out to Sweden to look at Stella Polaris. I had to concoct a cover story for my travels abroad. Saying I was travelling on business to inspect a vessel sea worthiness. I had the surveyor and owner write official letters for my reason to travel. On my second trip at Heathrow I nearly came unstuck but eventually I was waved through to my flight to Denmark. 

Sailing oceans for me has deeper meaning it’s about freedom utter freedom to travel anywhere on planet Earth I do desire. Not borders no passport required I am sailing on international waters owned by no nation. I have as much right to be out there in small boat as a super cargo vessel or super tanker. Knowing that the world is my oyster. That feeling gives me an inner solace like nothing on terrestrial land would ever give me. 

Stella Polaris Cyprus

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