Sailing the World using the Chinese art of Wu Wei

The art of sailing not rowing or the Law of Least Effort

I’ve pondered over this for quite a long time now? What is the purpose of doing a world circumnavigation by a sailing boat? 

For me this is personal goal, but it’s more about travel by boat & bike with some element of kayaking. Doing it under my own steam, meaning I don’t have to rely on anyone else but myself to achieve my goal. Why is this goal so important to me?

I live on the most unique planet in the universe, which we must never take fore-granted. Planet Earth is covered by a liquid we call water. This allows mariners the opportunity to sail right around it in a small sailing boat. But it’s the last thing in my life I want to accomplish before I leave it for ever! I want to see all aspects of it in all its moods, power and glory, see the different spectacles of life and beings that inhabit this amazing planet of ours.

From time to time I may advertise for crew be it on this site or others to join me for some aspects of my sailing voyage. Be it coastal or ocean passage making,  like minded people who want more from their lives, who seek out adventure like me, be they young or old.  Yes it might mean being on my own for long periods of the time. But that’s okay I’m happy being on my own. Its about seeing and experiencing countries from a different perspective and living simply and at one with nature and the universe. Being mostly on my own during my travels will allow me to meet new people and make new friendships during my journey of discovery. 

It will be over a long period of time no definite time scale just as long as my health allows me to continue with this spiritual journey.  I will spend as much time as I’m allowed on each major continent, travelling by boat on the exterior bike and kayak into the interior. I will visit the indigenous people and see their lands and experience their cultures and their spiritual places on my journey of discovery. 

Wu wei or effortless action. 无为 Describing a state of unconflicting personal harmony, free-flowing spontaneity and savoir-faire. It’s important for me not to over-plan my adventure but to do things more spontaneously. I will ask local people to guide me to places of beauty and spiritual interest. What ever takes my fancy I will just go with the flow enjoying and savouring each day of my life and adventure. 

Alan Watts Principle of Not Forcing

Undertaking the Jester Challenge next year I will sail to the northern American continent as my first northern continent. Starting next May from Plymouth England to Rhode Island. ( friendly solo race for small boats)  I will Probably concentrate on the east coast but I will think of cycling some of the Appalachian trail? I will spend some time looking around the local area of Rhode Island I could move off south to Chesapeake Bay head up to Baltimore or Annapolis.  Possibly the inter coastal waterway south to Florida? Head south for the winter to the Caribbean to enjoy the under aquatic world. 

Looking at the world map I thought how could I divided it up for my adventure? I will ensure I have the most favourable weather conditions as possible on each and every long passage. Timings is so critical with sailing especially at the time of anticyclones. I’ll be like the Portuguese discoverers who went as far as China and Japan in their small sailing boats 500 years ago. 

I always find with sailing a deep spiritual connection to it. Rather like Bernard Moitessier   living and sleeping on a constant dynamic world of wonder and awe. Funny after any long sailing passage I still feel the movement of the ground under me when I’m back on dry land. It’s uncanny feeling it’s as if I’m still on my watery world but I know I’m not!

Bernard Moitessier

I await my next big adventure with excitement and anticipation? I’m going give myself at least 10 years to circumnavigate it! Will that be longer enough or maybe 20 years the universe will guide me on this endeavour? Finally I have an addiction to love the love of my beautiful planet and every living thing that adorns it! 

Nice talk from Rev Wendy The Law Of Least Effort

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