Sailing Route

There are various ways to circumnavigate the globe in a sailing boat? The most popular of these is heading west across the Atlantic through the Caribbean Sea into the pacific via the  Panama Canal across the equatorial Pacific Ocean through the Torrs straits into the Indian Ocean, Suez Canal, Mediterranean Sea and back up the north Atlantic to the U.K.?  Mainly down wind trade wind sailing. Which to be fair is the more sensible option?

But I’m not sensible? Why? I went through the Panama Canal a few years ago in cruise ship an amazing experience with on bridge lady canal guide.

I don’t want to go through any man made canals.  Magellan didn’t have the luxury of canal so why should I? 

I crossed the Atlantic Ocean both ways between 2007-2010. And if the purchase of North Star comes to fruition I’ll be starting from the Caribbean.

What my intended route well I can only go south taking into account the north east trade winds. I must track along the Guiania and Brazilian coast line 

Once I get to the end of northern Brazilian coast at Natal I’ll head south.

Where I’ll start to pick up south east trade winds where I need to keep them on the beam? 20S 20W is high pressure system similar to the Azores in the North Atlantic and winds sweep around into a more north westerly direction north of Rio. I must take advantage of these winds to blow me across to Cape Town? That’s a rough initial plan. All sailing plans need to be flexible in reality. 

Picking my weather carefully to circumvent the southern tip of Africa probably harbour hopping along the way. I need to leave the Caribbean to arrive in Cape Town at or before December. Southern Hemisphere summer time. 

Work my way up into the Indian Ocean and head along the coast to Madagascar. All this will be current and wind dependent so as to  pick up the monsoon winds to take me across the Indian Ocean to southern India? But that’s in far distance future. Lots of detail planning needs to be carried out on route. But covid is bad in Brazil so unless it’s a emergency I’ll have steer clear of that country altogether unfortunately.

Low pressure system track along the jet streams in the southern hemisphere from west to east which if timed correctly can give good winds for crossing of the south atlantic from west to east.

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