Reality & Consciousness

Have you ever wondered to yourself what is reality? Do we live in a universe that’s a large hologram that’s projected onto our minds through our consciousness?

We know for instance that the colours we see are part of the electromagnetic waves in the visual light spectrum.

 The colour of the objects we visually sense and see in the natural world is a result of the way objects interact with light. When a light wave strikes an object, it can be absorbed, reflected, or refracted by the object. All objects have a degree of reflection and absorption.

So the colour we see and visualise in our brains is the part of the electrical magnetic spectrum that’s not absorbed by the object we’re viewing. 

Electromagnetic waves and visual light is a wave and a particle and its famous being quanta or a packet worth of energy.

The quantum world as physicists know is a strange world. The quantum world has some strange features one being entanglement at distance which can meaning millions of light years away from each other. 

In quantum physics, entangled particles remain connected so that actions performed on one affect the other, even when separated by great distances. The phenomenon so riled Albert Einstein he called it “spooky action at a distance.” … Entanglement occurs when a pair of particles, such as photons, interact physically.

The quantum world in the terms of are perceived reality seems rather weird and strange. But maybe it’s our reality we perceive is stranger than we all realise.

When we look at the brains of all life forms every living entity is endowed with awareness. What makes living things aware? What is the definition of awareness? 

Awareness is the ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events. More broadly, it is the state of being conscious of something. All living organic life forms have this awareness. 

Which brings us to the essence of the most fundamental aspect of everything around us consciousness.

Consciousness at its simplest is “sentience or awareness of internal or external existence”

Now this is were things become similar to the quantum world of spooky entanglement. consciousness remains puzzling and controversial, being “at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives.

But we humans always seem to look at things from an anthropological aspect. But all organic life forms are endowed with consciousness. Even the simplest natural organism such as a Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a bacteria that can cause pneumonia in people must have awareness and consciousness which are both closely interrelated.

Let’s stand back and do a thought experiment such as Albert Einstein was famous for?

Every single organic life form has awareness. Therefore every single atom and electron based on quantum theory must have awareness due to entanglement at distance. We’re all made from the star dust the very fabric of the universe and of atomic matter.

 So planet earth as living biosphere must have awareness? All aspects of the biosphere are aware and alive and in motion. Inner core and outer cores of iron of earths interior are in constant motion, Earths crust is in constant motion, the Oceans are in constant motion, atmosphere is in constant motion, waters cycle is in constant motion the Cryosphere is in constant motion, the Oceans act like a massive heat exchanger and they are in constant motion. Every aspect of earth must have an awareness. Which must be true of the Universe as a whole.

The Sun is kept in equilibrium by its gravitational mass and its atomic fusion processes of converting hydrogen into helium. To maintain this equilibrium it must have an awareness?

The formation of stars from gas particles, and the formation of suns to make up galaxies must all have awareness?

Awareness is consciousness personified?

So maybe light is not the fastest constant in the universe after all but consciousness and awareness.

We’re all made from universal matter and that has consciousness imbedded in it! So the universe as a whole entity must be of pure consciousness. 

This means nothing is separate from any part of the universe. So why do we humans think we’re separate from each other and everything around us? 

We are starting to realise and coming to a deeper understanding that we can’t ignore any more about reality that in fact we are all ONE!

Once we strip away our egos that mask reality it’s slowly dawning on us that everything that surrounds us is pure consciousness so that must mean we are all one entity with no separation.  But one true essence of consciousness.

This is such a powerful realisation for me. The sooner we all realise this fact the sooner we humans can create a different paradigm of existence. 

If the universe didn’t have this awareness it wouldn’t be here but a complete black void. We have duality of existance to understand the whole. Therefore consciousness allows the universe to be aware of itself!

In conclusion then why do we humans who have a high level of intelligence and awareness act as if we are disconnected from this universal truth?

Why can’t we see and understand this fundemental truth? What we see and sense around us pure inter-connectedness. 

When we act in a “selfish” disconnected way with our perceived reality this causes us to suffer. Once we understand this universal reality of connection we will come to live in peace, equilibrium and a conscious oneness with our universe.

The Neurons filiments of the brain seem so similar to the Universe Cosmic Web filiments, uncanny indeed! Finally below the both Brain Cell and the Universe and the Internet!

Ultimately we our the Universe Personified! One Hour long Video below beautifully explains the whole concept of my blog post.

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