Power Of The Mind

For quite awhile now I’ve used mental visualisation of what I would like my future to be. Originally it started when I was only teenager. 

I was serving an engineering apprenticeship and saw an advertisement for the Royal Marine Reserves based at Morpeth Dock in Birkenhead on the banks of the River Mersey. 

We use have a drill night once a week I think it was on a Tuesday evening. Each month we’d have weekend away with the other local RMR units. Could be drill training before doing your basic marine course all spit and polish at Eastnor Barack’s South Sea near Portsmouth and afterwards  pre Lympstone Commando Training Centre to do your commando course for your converted green beret. 

Afterwards I went to RAF Abingdon to do my basic military static line parachute course which consisted of 8 jumps 2 from barrage ballon 6 from a Hercules C 130 military transporter. Included in that was a night descent. 

I loved parachuting the sheer thrill of jumping out of an aeroplane at 1000 feet. What a adrenaline rush that was. The noise of the aircraft the noise of the slipstream when the aircraft doors were opened. I was getting paid to jump out aircraft by the military.

I thought I’ve got to make this my full time profession.  I tried for the regular Royal Marines but was turned down because of slight colour perception problem. 

I thought I know what I’ll do I’ll join the army and serve with the Royal Engineers and volunteered for their parachute squadron. 

I visualised this each and every day before I joined up and when I was doing my basic combat engineer training 9 parachute squadron came along took us out for a run and “thought” I’ve got to achieve passing Para company to wear the converted Maroon beret. 

In fact from an earlier post I passed P Coy and won the best all around performance of that course. It was hard and physically and mentally difficult but if you really want achieve something badly enough you will achieve your dreams.

After my serious accident in 2012 fall from height it made realise how precious life is and how quickly it can be snubbed out!  Like a click of the fingers here today gone tomorrow. Now today that’s never far from my mind and I guess gives me this extra inner drive.

Since then I have to admit I regularly talk to the universe about any challenging undertaking I embark on. I remember when I crossed the North Atlantic solo from Bermuda to the Azores I had no wind for 2 to 3 days. I couldn’t use the engine for long other than to charge up the batteries. So I sat wallowing around in surreal world of a becalmed ocean. Even when the ocean is calm it’s as if it breaths with slight swell or movement which is surreal!

It was hot 🥵 still and I thought how long will it stay like this for? After the third day as it was getting dusk I looked up into the sky stars were starting to shine and twinkle. I looked up and I spoke to the universe please my I have some wind 💨 not too much just enough to propel me along. Well within 2 hours the wind piped up and I was able to start sailing again. I looked up and said thank you to the universe for giving me wind. Since then I talk to the universe all the time. 

Especially if I’m at a cross roads in my life as I was recently. Now some would say it’s gut feeling but I think it’s much more then that? What is it then? Intuition maybe but I think it’s much more then that! 

Let use an example when I was a wee boy I use play out in our large back garden with my toy soldiers. At that time probably through the comics I was reading I had soldiers from the American civil war. I had read about the various generals such as stonewall Jackson of the southern confederate Army and  general Ulysses S. Grant of the northern union army. 

As I lay down on the grass having built a small earthen fortification I used my imagination to entertain my self with my opposing armies. Use various manoeuvres to take on each side. One minute I’d be General Stonewall Jackson the next I’d be Ulysses’s S. Grant. 

I fear with the internet and gaming software children loose the power of their own ability to imagine. It also causes a mental syndrome of concentration deficiency.

One the greatest human tools we have at our disposal is our complex brains with million of neurons firing off constantly through small electrical frequencies. Consciousness arises or I would say consciousness levitates above the brain and the mind. I think consciousness is something magical which connects to our minds and the outside world of our reality. 

For me thought is a creation process that’s why I don’t like parts of the internet which remove thought imagination and creation. When I read a book I visualise the places and people in the story. How many times when listening to a voice when we see the person for the first time their voice doesn’t match with our constructed imagination of them? This brings me to the essence of this blog and the use of deep active meditation to control and discipline the mind and through deep meditation it leads us to from our imagination into creation which then manifests itself into life or being. All from the power of our minds we can create a life of sheer joy or a life of sheer hell, 

Now back 2012 I had a bad fall from height and for all intents and purposes I should of died that day my life force snuffed out in an instance but that didn’t happen for some reason unbeknown to me. Why? I’ve asked myself on numerous occasions? 

Is there a hidden reason for this sheer miracle occurring? No one knows our true fate or even life’s purpose some of us stumble upon it by chance some my never. Or is it really chance I often ask myself?

I love blogging and writing my thoughts down maybe I’ve suddenly stumbled across something I’d like to share with you a profound thing which is to do with our minds and consciousness

Yes I’ve been using deep thought and visualisation for long time now especially with my careers, scuba diving and sailing. But more recently to do about work and my life. 

When I was in Leros Greece I heard that my sister had fallen badly when out walking her dog Frankie. She’d badly bashed her head broke some ribs and damaged her right hand. I knew she had fallen before and thought strange what’s going on here with my sister?  

I think 🤔 maybe I should return back home? What should I do? Strangely or maybe fortuitously I had an email from an employment agency about work. I don’t have a big pension or lots of savings and I’d spent quite lot of money on the boat and Mediterranean moorings. 

The young lady called Caya kept sending me emails about work. With a large military contractor looking for welders especially for their submarine division. 

I had already hired an electric bike for half a day and gone up to the northern part of Leros to check a boat storage yard out called Artemis. Should I just get the boat out of the water to antifoul the hull? Or get out it out for the winter and go back to the U.K.? 

I sat one morning in my local coffee bar in Lakki thinking 🤔 what should I do? I looked at flights with EasyJet and saw cheapish one flying from Kos to Gatwick London. I pondered what should I I do? The job was well paid I could do with some extra money? A Thought!

Yes I’ll go for it and I booked my flight and the ferry to Kos and a hotel on Kos for one night and before I leave I’ll sailed Stella Polaris up to Artemis boatyard. 

Suddenly my life was about to change and change radically all through a thought 💭 all emanating from the power of the mind? 

We humans have massive brains and we are mental creators but unfortunately we all have the  ability to create a mental heaven or mental hell which manifest itself into the real world of our reality. 

Which we constantly see everyday around us with humanities brilliance and utter stupidity! 

My life was suddenly changing so when I got back to North Wales my sister was still suffering from bad concussion and loss of feelings at her finger tips through nerve crush damage. I told her to start using a soft round exercise ball to exercise her hand to allow the nerves to expand to get the feeling back in her finger tips. I was with her for 6 weeks as moral support and human contact through chatting. 

To be fair I do like to chinwag. But let’s get to the crux of this blog about mind power. With my long distant sailing adventures I spend an inordinate amount of time on my own. Like a mystic living in a cave it allows me to connect with the planet the ocean and the wonders of the universe especially with it’s star filled skys. I sit in the cockpit at night and look up into the sky and awe and it’s utter wonder. 

I think there’s more to this cosmos then we realise and I believe it relates to consciousness and our minds. How we relate to physical world around I believe sincerely is a mental construct. What do I mean by that? When we look at things like flowers the sky the colours we see are the reflection of frequencies in the energy part of frequency spectrum that are electrical magnetic waves. Light itself is in a very narrow band width of electrical magnetic waves.

When light is broken down into its constituent parts it appears to produce colour to our eyes which is an reflection off an object that absorbs the other light band colour frequencies. infrared frequency waves we don’t see but feel and x-rays or Gemma rays we don’t see they’re invisible to the naked eye. Sound waves we do hear but like the wind we don’t see them but hear the sound in our ears through acoustic vibration. Yes we feel the photons from the sun which are magnetic frequency light waves which transport energy we feel as heat on our skin and gives life force to plants and algae. Higher electrical magnetic frequencies we don’t see or even feel but they can be harmful to our organs such as ultra violet rays gamma and x-rays.

What about conscious waves of energy that’s all around us and we humans radiate it out to others. Yes though our voices through are facial and physical expressions but this all emanates from our minds in fact this is where we live inside our heads but consciousness is I believe is in a much higher level of frequency or energy but like gamma ray or x- rays can’t be seen. I now would like to introduce you to an ordinary man not wealthy man but a simple radio technician a very insightful technician of Mexican American descent from the border town of Laredo Texas. His name is Jose Silva. How did I come across him was it by accident or by design? 

He thought about the minds function and it’s electrical frequency especially its frequency band when your mind is awake or in sleep or in meditation with eyes close. In the various stages of sleep, light, deep and RAM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. We go into a lower frequency state. In RAM sleep which is when we dream, and dreams are very important. Jose himself use to take great credence in meditation frequency level at the Alpha state or Waves at 10 cycles per second. Why are dreams so important to use? Because they tell us something from our subconscious minds. Jose states we need to write down our dreams immediately we awaken, why? Which is the hard part is to try and make sense of them. Why? Because they help us to identify areas in our subconscious minds that need addressing. Especially reoccurring dreams. Your sub conscious mind is try to tell us something from a deep psychological level that needs addressing.

Now Jose got to experiment with his young children especially if the’d had a nightmare such as bogeymen type monster. Jose would ask them to explain what they saw, what size was it in their dream? What was it a Monster how big was it he’d ask them to point up in the room to see how big it was. Jose would now get them to close their eyes and say “I want you to make it smaller and smaller see until it disappears”. Once it’s tiny inside of your hand just blow it away! 

I found that fascinating but one of his daughters  had special insights she was able to visualise things she’d never seen before. He tried an experiment to do with furniture inside one of his brothers houses who lived else where in the US. Jose asked his daughter Laura what his brothers living room was like? Remember she had never been there and she explain in detail what furniture was in the room and what looked like and where it was situated. Jose was able to confirmed this with his brother. That’s when Jose realised how powerful our minds are vastly more complex then any human computer. 

He went on to develop a systematic system of training one’s mind to manifest what ever we desire. But like any physical exercise needs practice and repetition we need to do the same with our minds. Mental Callanetics of the mind it has to be done as a daily ritual and become part your life. Jose called it dynamic meditation. 

I’ve meditated since my mid life crisis back in my 40’s. When I suffered from horrendous insomnia after my business failed! I had to discipline my mind to stop thinking. This isn’t easy especially when you’re suffering from depression. 

We are constantly dealing with thought processes each and every minute our lives. What meditation does for you is to get control over your mind. I’m going say something profound we all have one of if not the most powerful living computers the universe ever devised. I mean utterly and supremely powerful entity it’s a wonder of the universe. 

With such a powerful entity at our disposal how was a simple radio engineer able to come up with a method to help us all master and utilise the power of the mind for greater good of mankind. 

Listen to Jose explain in this video talking about his discovery: 

Jose Silva Mind Method

It’s important we take control over our ourselves mentally and physically but it’s essential we must take complete control over our minds by first stopping random thoughts taking over our minds. Through repetitive dynamic meditation we reduce the frequency of our minds down to alpha state frequency levels 10 c/s. From the right side of our brains, not the logical left side we use every waking moment at 20 c/s, but the right side which we tap into at night and when we get those sparks of sheer imagination and creativity this what Jose is helping us to train and activate. 

I know it works I been doing it myself more  through accident then design. But Jose had systemised his method through his experiments with his children to overcome fears but more importantly to tap into the right hand side of the brain 🧠 to create a different world for ourselves and mankind.. 

By developing the mind through dynamic meditation those eureka moments we all have occasionally but to procure more often and in a systematic dynamic way.

The most important element of method of Jose  mental mind control is visualisation. Remember I mentioned earlier about when I was child playing I visualised with my toy soldier battles. 

 Visualisation for me has always been an important part of my life.  If you want something to transpire you have visualise it and from meditation and visualisation you will find away through your mind which you train to be much more receptive for those sparks or eureka moments. 

They can happen whilst meditating or sleeping or day dreaming or in our night time REM period dream states. Here I’m one of the greatest day dreamers. I use be told off at school all the time why? I use to look out of class room windows and dream I was elsewhere anywhere other than being in that class room. 

But your day dreaming has to be systematic and aligned with your deeper super subconscious levels at the alpha frequency 10c/s. What Jose is doing with his mental training methods is to help us tap into the power of our minds and to harness that power to create a life of wonder for each and everyone of us. 

Don’t poo poo this in any way if you want to create a life of abundance and joy you have the god given tool from the universe to use and believe me the power of the mind lifts your life into another dimension of being. When it does to you it radiates such power of being. It elevates your whole being as human.

Let’s face it today more than ever we all need to be on different being of frequency. I think we all recognise we are on a threshold of crossroads with humanity where we can drive ourselves down into hell or raise our humanity to a beautiful paradise simply by the united power of all our minds. Think how powerful that would be to unite humanity into one consciousness! Wow.

I now visualise the future constantly. One of the things that will allow me to live a long life is to see this mental power we have come to fruition in man’s being! Which I feel we badly lack in and with are so called leaders who are mostly people of straw. They don’t know how use the right part of their brains and minds to create an amazing world of peace love and harmony. As my fellow scouser said in wonderful poetic song Imagine 

Imagine there’s no heaven

It’s easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us, only sky

Imagine all the people

Livin’ for today


Imagine there’s no countries

It isn’t hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion, too

Imagine all the people

Livin’ life in peace


You may say I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only one

I hope someday you’ll join us

And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world


You may say I’m a dreamer

But I’m not the only one

I hope someday you’ll join us

And the world will live as one

Gosh to think like John who was an ordinary working class lad from Merseyside like me.

John Lennon Imagine

Remember his song came from his mind and his consciousness. What can you create from your mind?  I can tell you from my heart you can create anything you want in life and it starts from within your head!

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