Fiasco of the US Presidential Debate

The United States presidential elections have become a circus. The first debate in Atlanta Georgia I found hard to watch it was painful affair. 

Must admit I kept thinking are these two men the best candidates for the president of the United States of America? 

Joe Biden I know is a good man at heart. However, he’s become too old and was slow and Cumbersome in his answers.  Sometimes in life you have to admit you’ve passed your best. I call it a wake up call or threshold or crossing point! 

Joe Biden has spent his life in politics and is an experienced political operator but he’s too old now to run as the next US president! Especially with the Russo Ukraine war. At least Joe Biden understands the geopolitical importance of Ukraine winning the war against Russia. 

Donald Trump, I don’t understand how any political party could nominated such an unsuitable candidate to stand for position as the United States president. 

The man is felon and dishonest with no moral virtues. He lies and cheats a draft dodger during the Vietnam war. During the presidential debate he never answered the questions given to him. He makes things up as he goes along. 

Both candidates are not worthy of the position of the President of the United States. What has politics come to these days aren’t there any  younger intelligent switched on candidates who understand or have basic understanding of humanity geopolitics and planet we live on?

It doesn’t seem we do and politics has become a circus of meaningless sound bites and no substance. Authoritarian leaders such as Putin and Xi Jinping must be chuckling about democracy choice of such weak leaders. 

I despair at my fellow species when selecting politicians. Why are so many modern politicians self serving and of such poor quality. 

Why do the worst people become leaders? 

The supreme court have more less stated that the President with executive powers is immune from any form prosecution. He could accept bribes and assassinate his rivals. That must be music to Trumps ears. If Trump was to win the US presidential election God help the US republic and its democracy! I hope and prey that the US people realise he would crush all opposition like all dictators do! 

How The Worst People Rise To Power
Supreme Court’s Decision Giving Full Immunity From Prosecution For An Incumbent President.
TED Talk About Democracy

The Daily; Biden Support Is Ebbing Away

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