Black Swan Surfing The Crest Of The Waves

My new crew lady arrived from Canada on Friday 11 October via Munich.

Paul & Tara

IiThe following day was rest day and a walk around the main shopping area of Palermo.


Saturday evening in Palermo the streets were full of locals out enjoying a nice meal or generally promenading as Italians like to do!

The following morning we motored sailed around north western coast to Trapani.

Fishing Off Palermo Harbour

Fortunately a few days before I’d had a day out with my retired Spanish crewman and his wife in their hire car.

Going to the top of cable car of ERIC the Catalonian fortified mountain village. Giving wonderful vantage point I was able to see the various reefs and outlying Isole Egadi islands.

Not far from the large commercial harbour of Trapani the wind piped up and sea got rather lively.

We entered the harbour followed in by ferry boats and located Levente marina being waved to by deck man.

We looked at the weather for the following day and passage weather and there were strongish South Easterly winds ideal for reaching all the way to Bizerte Tunisia.

It was only a small marina but the facilities were new and they have large adjacent boatyard for winter storage.

Trapani Harbour

We left at about 11am and had two reefs in the mainsail ready for lively sea conditions.

We decided to sail between Isla Favignana and Isla Levanzo. On reaching the headland of Isla Favignana. The wind piped up to 20knots and Black Swan started to turn up to wind with too much weather helm. 

We quickly put in a third reef in the mainsail and reduced the jib. Giving a nicely balanced helm. 

Sailing To Tunisia

Winds varied from about 15 to 20 knots but with a lively sea waves on the port close reaching.

Average speed of 6 knots with an overnight passage with moon lit night. We kept manually helming each individual watch of two hours.

Tara my lady crew was an experience sailor who relished the sea conditions throughout the passage. We did pass close by a fishing boat fleet and one particular boat that flashed us to warn of its net. 

Tara the superb sailor

I immediately put the engine on and veered to starboard to miss any extended fishing net.

We arrived off Bizerte early hours and I was weary of a outlying reef island of Grande Isle Cani once we’d passed the island reef “rocky”outcrop the wind was on the nose with lots of whitecaps and we bashed are way into Bizerte.

Bizerte Tunisia

Whilst dropping the main we were approached by the marine guardia wanting to see our papers.

Later as we approached the new marina we were approached again by further military but they told exactly where new marina was located as it wasn’t on my Raymarine chart.

After clearing in with the police and customers and nice shower we had lunch in a posh marina restaurant.

Then back to the boat for well deserved rest and a lovely siesta..zzzzz 

We had fast passage of taking us 24hours to cover 140nm.

Paul On Quay Front Bizerte

After 4 days in Tunisia and a day trip to Sidi Bou Said which is lovely village with white houses and blue doors winding cobbled streets. 

What was notable of the area was the lots of greenery. Finally a quick trip to the ancient punic harbour remains.not enough time to visit the various ancient archeology.

We left on the Saturday morning of the 19 October because of favourable SE winds. The wind was little fickle to start with and we hoisted up the cruising asymmetrical sail.

Paul in Sidi Bou Said Tunisia
Sailing Back To Sardinia

Once we left the coast the winds settled down to SE and good sailing all the way to Sardinia averaging nice 6 knots. 

On reaching Sardinia the coast still dark winds increasing I was concerned about the two small outlying islands of Isola Il Toro and Isola la Vacca. Bull & Cow


No lights were showing but a big dark mass sticking out of the water.

Difficult holding course so had put on another or 3rd reef as the sea got more lively. 

At first light we could see Carloforte in the distant and safely motored into my home port of Marine Sifredi.

Total mileage from my triangle journey was 750nm. With two Swiss passage one , Spanish passage two and Canadian crew for passage 3/4.

Paul enjoying the sailing!
The Port Punic animation

Phoenicia sailing ship I came across in the Azores a few years ago.

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