
Maybe like me you’ve thought “what is the purpose of life?” Is there a purpose to it fundamentally? 

Are we here just to create more life? Or are we here to become observers  of life. Do other species of life on earth ever consider this or is it just us humans who have the intellectual capacity to think, “what is its meaning?”

I’ve always thought that life is a gift from the universe. Being a gift we have to appreciate the beauty of our existence. Not from an ego or “I” level but from a deeper spiritual level. 

In the double split experiment regarding light or photons they are both a wave and a particle. We can only identify them once we observe them. Either being a wave or a particle, it’s a duality!  

Really what I am saying is that we must become aware of life. Like an observer not getting tangled up in our thoughts. We are much greater than our thoughts.  I call it being aware to life and its magnificent and beauty.  

I don’t mean what we accrue with material things or even how we look physically. Things such as physical looks are only superficial I am talking about the spritual nature of our connection to the beauty of our existence. 

I have to make an omission I don’t like how we humans need to control everything. What do I mean about that? Such things as borders, which are man made barriers as I call them. Territorial barriers. Man has such a propensity for violence. To control lands resources and wealth. Ownership is a mental construct, in fact we never really own anything!  We are custodians of things that’s all. When we die we don’t take all our material gains with us, like the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt.   

But why do we lie and cheat and kill for things? Surely that’s the ego or the “I” but we are much bigger than that! Much bigger!

Therefore life for me is about being an observer and experiencing the full beauty of my existence. Yes there are times it takes me to experiences of great wonder and beauty. Be it nature or certain people I meet. Some times those experiences can be negative but mostly positive. I  want my life to have a deeper connection with wonder of the universe. 

Back to awareness or being the observer. Thoughts come into our heads they can be from past experience that might of given us joy or might of given us pain. Be aware say okay that was a good experience or that wasn’t and identify it and let it go like a wave on the ocean you pass over watch it disappear into the whole of the oceans magnitude.  

We humans have this tendency to get tied up with the small things in life, now you’ll be thinking,  well I have to work and pay my bills to maintain myself and my family. Yes that is part of life,  but it shouldn’t be the be all of life. As we get older all those responsibilities drift away. We find we are on our own it’s just us the individual. This is why the spiritual aspect of life is so important! I’m 73 today 26/6/51. I am so privileged to have good genetics which has given me excellent health and well being. Priceless! 

We are psychosomatic;  body and the mind. Now the mind is the most powerful part of our being. To have good health we need to eat well exercise regularly. However I feel it’s our “thought” patterns that create a life of happiness or a life of misery. I wonder what causes people to die young is it their genetic makeup or is it there thought patterns. Clinging on to negative thoughts that they can’t let go? We all experience difficult times in our lives. How we view them that matters. Never ever losing sight of the beauty of our existence on planet earth.  Simply Remembering we live on this tiny blue dot in the cosmos. We are much more than our thoughts. 

Never forget that. We have to hone our awareness skills. Like tuning in to the universal frequency. Most of humanities daily transmissions is simply noise. Yes we need to tune in to this noise from time to time but it’s simply noise! 

My last sailing trip I watched each evening the moon take shape and it raised early and fall below the horizon not long afterwards. When I needed it the most, going through the outer island north of Kos, it was there for me.  Shining down like a flash light or torch! 

In the boatyard at Artemis it’s been there shining down at the stern of my boat. Shining into my face each evening whilst lying on my bunk. Good omen for a sailor. 

Awareness is about being aware of one’s thoughts and emotions. Don’t try and analysis them. Recognise them for what they are just a thought no less no more. Let them go like a wave on the ocean of life. 

This blog post is simply I thought I have written no less no more! However, like a nice glass of wine we must learn to savour our lives.

The Mind Is not Us
Living A Life With No Purpose

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