I recently listened to a podcast about how ubiquitous the use of concrete is worldwide as a building material and how detrimental it is to the environment. Concrete: the most destructive material on Earth https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-audio-long-read/id587347784?i=1000570550735i Spain seems to have had a…
IN THE BEGINNING… The Rock of Gibraltar is a Jurassic Limestone promontory, formed from the shells of tiny sea creatures which compacted layer upon layer on the seabed some 200 million years ago. Between 60 and 20 million years ago…
For a long time i’ve had a serious foreboding about humanities eventual demise. Why? From time immoral man has constantly plunder earths natural resources be they minerals ( gold, silver, cobalt, nickel, aluminium, iron, titanium copper tin and lead )animal species…
I started my sailing World Odyssey on the 18 April leaving Conwy North wales via Brest to NW Spain. I’ve been in Sada NW Spain over month now longer than originally intended but with boats when it comes to maintenance one…
When I was a wee boy growing up in the 1950’s and early 60’s it wasn’t that long after the Second World War. The English comics of those days were full of war hero’s real and make believe one I…
Over the years I’ve visited many volcanic islands certain ones do spring to mind for their lush green interiors. In the eastern Caribbean chain Guadeloupe is particularly enchanting. The land of running waters. The one I spent some time visiting…
I’ve been reading a book by Harold Gatty called “Nature Is Your Guide”. Harold Gatty was interesting guy and was an Aussie from Tasmania. He like Francis Chichester was a wonderfully navigator and came to fame as the navigator for…
Many years ago when I was young soldier in the 1970’s I had volunteered from my parent corps of Royal Engineers ( 9 Independent Parachute Squadron R.E ) for special forces selection at Hereford, Herefordshire, England. Selection was a rigorous…